Kchecks Single License Subscription (Annual)

A single license package for School Districts, Nursing Homes, Independent Agencies, Providers and not for profit organizations.
Manufacturer: Kinney Services, Inc.
  • Email Notifications are sent each time a monthly match of your monitored entities is completed.
  • Optional Death Master File lookups allow you to check a social security number against the death master file (required in some industries, a great idea in all). 
  • A Full Audit Trail Report is always available and fully customizable.  You can produce an exportable report on a single entity, all entities, match types and dates.  
  • Our Historical Database provides a detailed timeline of entity matches.
  • Securely Upload Business Entities using 2048 bit SSL Security. 
  • Unsurpassed Data Security Your uploaded data is secure. We're serious about securing and protecting your valuable information. 
  • Incredibly Economical checking all of your employees by name and NPI on a monthly basis would mean additional hiring.  We can save you thousands. 
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